History of the REGENA Group
Originality, a deep-level understanding of nature, an irrepressible will to live and a high level of faith in God characterize Günter Carl Stahlkopf, the founder of the REGENA Group and developer of the REGENAPLEX® complex remedies. His spirit of research was already evident as a young child. Already then he was a critical person, who questioned everything. At the age of 38 the doctors confronted him with the diagnosis of a critical carcinosis and a remaining life span of 4 weeks. This lay the foundation for the REGENA-Therapy and the development of the REGENAPLEX® remedies.
Günter Carl Stahlkopf with tireless energy and relentless energy recalled his intense observation of nature, his meticulous studies of nature laws and his knowledge in biology. He compared all healing methods and step by step developed his own therapy, using active pharmaceutical substances in unique combinations.
1963: Foundation of the REGENA AG in Mogelsberg /Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland: The biologist Günter Carl Stahlkopf, who was diagnosed with cancer at a young age and although ‘given up’ by regular medicine, he was able to heal himself based on his newly acquired knowledge in the areas of biology, homeopathy and botany. The newly developed causal wholesome regeneration therapy, in short REGENA-Therapy, was the cornerstone for the production and distribution of his homeopathic complex remedies. Over the years a few hundred REGENAPLEX® remedies were developed and optimized.
1966: 192 homeopathic complex remedies were registered with the “Bundesgesundheitsamt” (the German Health Authority) in Berlin.
1968: First symposium for physicians and healthcare practitioners in Stuttgart, GE.
1969: Publication of the first compendium listing 237 different REGENAPLEX® remedies.
1971: High interest in this new form of therapy combined with the excellent efficacy of the remedies led to the opening of the firm REGENAPLEX GmbH, a distribution firm, in Konstanz, Germany at Lake Constance.
2000: The Company’s founder Günter C. Stahlkopf dies at the age of 82 – A life for natural medicine. Alongside his wife the legal practitioner Mrs. Monique Stahlkopf, he lived to see the continuous growing of the enterprise. In 1999 he delegated the management of the company to his wife.
2002: The REGENA Academy founded by Mrs. Monique Stahlkopf has the designated aim to convey 50 years of collected experience with the REGENA-Therapy to interested professionals. Further information thereto can be found on its website: www.regena-akademie.ch
2006: Finally registration with the “Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM) (German health authorities) was completed (proof of quality and harmlessness) for all REGENAPLEX remedies.
2008: Monique Stahlkopf takes up research work on the active principles of each individual REGENAPLEX remedy.
2010: REGENA-Symposium in Munich for physicians and healthcare practitioner.
2011: Relocation of production site to new buildings in Tägerwilen, Switzerland. Significant investments for a new site became necessary, to be able to cope with newest GMP requirements in future. For the first time in the history of the firm, the production site (before in Luzern) and Administration/Logistic (before in Konstanz, GE) come together under one roof so that processes can be accomplished more smoothly.
2012: Mrs. Monique Stahlkopf delegates the management of the companies REGENA AG and REGENAPLEX® GmbH to her daughter Cecile Mandefield, who continues to runthe family-owned company.
2013: 50th anniversary of the REGENA AG – Symposium for physicians and healthcare practitioners on November 1st, 2013 in Baden-Baden, GE.
2018: 100th anniversary of the Birth of Günter Carl Stahlkopf – Professional Congress for Doctors and Therapists in Tägerwilen.
From 2020: Establishment of REGENA ambassadors as a field service model in the DACH region
23.09.2023: Anniversary event for 60 years of REGENA AG and 20 years of REGENA Academy on the topic INSPIRE – FOCUS – CONNECT